Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.

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Convallis adipiscing neque. Tortor condimentum montes aliquam dictumst turpis. Nulla quisque nostra hac sem sollicitudin arcu dapibus. Orci pretium senectus suspendisse elementum cras potenti fermentum montes vestibulum. Vitae iaculis dignissim vitae

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Donating an Accommodating Home for a Wounded Warrior

Author:Alison HuntDate:2017-06-23
Tim Kirk is a Sr. Project Manager for the Gary Sinise Foundation's R.I.S.E. program, which is donating a smart technology, custom home to a wounded warrior in San Diego, California.

Homeownership Is a Good Financial Investment!

Author:Alison HuntDate:2017-06-18
Buying a home is a good investment. While rent prices rise, your mortgage stays the same. You are building equity in your home, which can be a financial resource later. You can build wealth without paying capital gains. A mortgage can act as a forced savings account. It is a smart financial investment to own a home. Homeowners can enjoy greater wealth growth than renters.

Tips to Write an Effective Offer When Purchasing a Home

Author:Alison HuntDate:2017-06-08
Tips to writing an effective offer on a home. Get your dream home with a competitive offer.

What do all those real estate terms mean?

Author:Alison HuntDate:2017-05-04
Most commonly used terms in real estate defined for the average person buying or selling a home.

Contact Me

If you are struggling to find the right house not just for you but also for your family, contact Carol Stanford Today.